Here’s a tip from one of our many avid bibliophiles. “When appraising the readability of a new title you come across, just try this simple test: Turn to page 42 and read the whole page. This can give you an immediate sense as to whether this is a novel you will enjoy and be interested by”. The theory being that by page 42, the author will have relaxed into their natural writing rhythm. You’ll avoid any eye-candy dramas that might have laced into the first few pages by an author intent only on drawing you in.
This ‘Page 42’ trick should come in handy at the Little Arts Festival ‘Book Bonanza’ on 11th August, in the Dunn Village Hall. Enthusiastically supported by the members of no less than three local book clubs, the Book Bonanza promises to offer a dazzling array of fascinating books of all genres. You’re welcome to just turn up and browse on the day, and you could walk away with some amazing new titles to explore for just a few pounds in donations to the Little Arts project.
And don’t forget to drop off all your unwanted books - just think how great it would be to create some bookshelf space for new titles to explore and immerse yourself in. You can drop your books off to the Dunn Village Hall on the morning of 8th August, just a few days before the Bonanza itself.